They Were Driving Back From A Hike, Then They Saw Two Bear Cubs In The Road…

A man named Jeff Molyneaux was driving back from a hike in Hetch Hetchy Valley in California’s Yosemite National Park when he came across something he’d never seen before: two little bear cubs play-fighting in the middle of the road. He stopped his car to watch and, luckily for us, filmed the adorable encounter!

Look at how tiny these little guys are! The way they play with each other is so cute; they’re like little puppies! The littlest one is such an instigator, too. The bigger one starts sauntering away, and the little one pounces on him, like, “Not so fast!”

While they were playing around, their mother was a few feet away in the brush on the side of the road. After they’d had enough, they went back to their mama and off into the trees. What an awesome sight to witness!

Take a look at these darling cubs and see for yourself!

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