Woman Brings Period Pain Stimulator To Rodeo So Cowboys Can Experience What It’s Like

Each month, many women have to go through the difficulties of having a period and the pain that’s associated with it. It’s something that men don’t have to experience and often can’t understand what it’s like.

Lux Perry, the CEO of somedays, is hoping to change that with the help of a period pain stimulator.

To find participants, Perry and her team attended a rodeo around Calgary in Canada. She then found willing cowboys and others who wanted to experience what it’s like to have period pain.

Photo: Unsplash/Sasun Bughdaryan

The period pain stimulator has varying grades of pain up to 10, with 4 or 5 being a “typical” amount of pain for a period.

Perry proudly set up a booth and began her quest to educate the public!

@getsomedays Saddle up boys 🤠 #periodpain #endo #periodtiktok #periodsimulator #cowboys #calgarystampede ♬ and she is the moment – emma

In a now-viral video, Perry found a willing cowboy to participate and he made it all the way to 10 on the stimulator! He starts out at 1 and gradually works his way up.

As the pain increases, it’s clear that he becomes uncomfortable and growingly sympathetic toward what women experience each month.

Photo: TikTok/@getsomedays

In the end, the man got all the way to 10, the pain similar to what someone with endometriosis might feel. He could barely stand at that point, but he gave it his all and gave the group a “yeehaw” to celebrate making it.

While some people are hesitant to participate in anything relating to a period, Perry says the response has been largely positive.

@getsomedays Come visit us at the calgary stampede! Booth 212 in the maker market. #periodpain #periodtips #periodtiktok #endo #endometriosis #periods ♬ original sound – @somedays

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Perry explained, “At first, we were getting a lot of side-eye. There is still so much stigma associated with periods and period pain, so a lot of people see the word ‘period’ and then instantly want to look away.”

Photo: TikTok/@getsomedays

She went on to say, “Now we have hundreds of people lining up with their partners just so they can get a feel for what their partner with a period experiences each month. And the vast majority of participants have been so humbled by the experience that they end up thanking us afterwards for the opportunity to learn more about period pain…”

Check out the videos below:

@getsomedays Its the shaky yeehaw for us 😂 #periodpain #periodtips #periodtiktok #endo #endometriosis #periodsimulator ♬ original sound – @somedays
@getsomedays Replying to @har_sn27 the answer we’ve all been waiting for. #periodpain #periodsimulator #periodtiktok #endo #endometriosis #calgarystampede ♬ original sound – @somedays
@getsomedays Somebody starts sweating 😅 #periodpain #periodtiktok #endo #periodsimulator ♬ original sound – @somedays

Would you try a period pain stimulator? Let us know!

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