GreaterGood Donated 36,000 Blankets to Ukraine in 2023. Help Us Send More in 2024!

At GreaterGood, your donations always go where they’re needed most so you can help make a true impact on the world. For nearly 25 years, we’ve been giving where it matters for people, pets, and the planet, and we appreciate everything our readers and donors have done to help us in this critical mission. With your help, we’ve now given well over 80 million dollars to various charities in the U.S. and across the globe.

One of our most recent projects has been to provide blankets, food, pet food, medical kits, and other supplies to Ukraine. Starting when Russia invaded Ukraine in February of 2022, the people of Ukraine have been fighting for lives, many of them barely able to provide their families with the essentials to sustain them.


Photo: GreaterGood/Nina Yevtushenko

According to the UN Refugee Agency, 6.2 million people have fled Ukraine for safer countries, but 5.1 million are displaced in the country, and other residents are living in damaged homes and apartments without access to proper amenities. In 2023, roughly 17.6 million Ukrainians were estimated to be in need of humanitarian aid.

Blankets are a key part of our mission to send aid to Ukraine. With the bombing of homes and critical infrastructure, many people have been left homeless or in damaged homes without heat and power. Some have resorted to living full-time in poorly insulated summer homes that aren’t equipped to keep families warm in the harsh Ukrainian winters. Blankets are one way we can ensure that Ukrainians stay warm this winter, even as their access to other heat sources fluctuates.


Photo: GreaterGood/Nina Yevtushenko

In 2023, with your help, we distributed 36,000 Ukrainian-made blankets (for a total of 46,000 over the course of the war) and 3,000 scarves to people and pets in Ukraine. 30,000 of the blankets were regular size blankets for families in need, while 6,000 were baby blankets. Most of the baby blankets went to families with babies and toddlers, but about 1,000 of these smaller blankets were also sent to pet shelters to help keep displaced dogs and cats warm and comfortable.

Most of our warm wool blankets have been donated in pairs along with winter relief kits to aid in keeping Ukrainians warm, comfortable, and fed. These kits include things like warm socks, fleece jackets, hygiene items, and 80 meals’ worth of food supplies. Our winter relief kits and blankets help ensure survival for families who don’t have full-time access to heat in a location where temperatures can dip as low as -5 degrees Fahrenheit.


Photo: GreaterGood/Nina Yevtushenko

In order to further support industry and jobs in Ukraine, we’ve also purchased Ukrainian-made blankets to sell in our online stores, making GreaterGood the exclusive distributor of VLADI wool scarves in the USA. From September to December 2023, we sold 642 blankets, 605 scarves, and 127 shawls. With our Buy a Blanket, Give a Blanket program, every purchase of a Ukrainian-made blanket, shawl, or scarf also provides a blanket to a person in need in war-torn Ukraine.

“Our purchases have helped combat the 10% unemployment and over 30% drop in GDP caused by the war, and have given VLADI employees a psychological boost, since they are producing blankets which are being distributed to internally displaced Ukrainians and others impacted by Russian bombardments during the winter,” says Tim Kunin, GreaterGood’s co-founder and CEO.


Photo: GreaterGood/Nina Yevtushenko

Since the beginning of the Russian attacks on Ukraine in February of 2022, GreaterGood has purchased and distributed about 46,000 blankets in Ukraine, many of which you’ve helped fund. But there are still many people in need of these and other basic necessities. We need your help to continue sending vital supplies to those most in need in this war-torn country. Please consider making a purchase or a donation today to continue to support Ukrainians whose lives have been drastically impacted by this war.

Thank you so much for your help – we need all the support we can get to continue this important mission! Read a story about how our blanket donations have helped one family here!

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