Homeless Woman Surprises 3-Year-Old Boy With Brand New Bicycle After His Was Stolen

It’s hard to imagine a grown adult stealing something from a toddler, but that’s exactly what happened in Rockland, Maine recently.

The Rockland Police Department shared about the theft in a Facebook post, explaining that a three-year-old boy left his Spiderman bicycle outside a store while he went inside with his mother.

Photo: Facebook/Rockland Maine Police Department

During their shopping trip, a man came by on a bicycle and scooped up the Spiderman bike, and took off. The stolen bicycle was described as red, with Spiderman-themed graphics and training wheels.

When the department shared about the theft, they were hoping to find some information about the man who stole the bike or perhaps the whereabouts of the bike so it could be reunited with its rightful owner. However, they ended up receiving an outpouring of love and support from the community!

Photo: Facebook/Rockland Maine Police Department

In a follow-up post, the department was pleased to announce that someone happened to stop by the police department to drop off a brand new replacement bike for the young boy.

While that’s generous in its own right, the woman who purchased the new bike for the young boy was experiencing homelessness!

The post explained, “Last night, a superhero (who wishes to remain anonymous), stopped by the Rockland Police Department and donated a BRAND NEW Spiderman bicycle, matching helmet and bike lock for our young victim! The hero wanted nothing in return, but in speaking to one of our officers, we learned a little about her own recent struggles that made this gesture even more heart felt.”

It went on to say, “The woman, who lives all the way in Oxford County, saw our post and felt as if she just had to do something to help. Unfortunately, she was recently forced to choose between making her rent or vehicle payment… Not wanting to default on the car loan, she is now currently unhoused and living out of her vehicle. Her own struggles did not deter the woman however; and she selflessly purchased a new bike, helmet and lock at a local Wal-Mart and made the drive to Rockland.”

Photo: Facebook/Rockland Maine Police Department

When presented with the new bicycle, the young boy’s mom was “overwhelmed by the generosity of others.

The homeless woman may not have had much, but she was willing to give what little she did have and there’s something so amazing about that.

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