Woman Uses $146K Lottery Winnings To Hand Out Gift Cards To Strangers

Some lucky shoppers at a grocery store in Kentucky were given free gift cards by a generous lottery winner.

The woman, Crystal Dunn, spent $20 playing the Bank Buster Jackpot Instant Play game online and won an incredible $146,351!

That’s no chump change, and Dunn was stunned when she saw the instant winnings.

Photo: Unsplash/Kaitlin Baker

According to WLBT, Dunn actually didn’t believe she won at first. It wasn’t until officials contacted her to confirm her winnings that the reality set in.

She said, “It’s a pretty exciting feeling. I never thought I would win something like this, but this goes to show it can happen.”

Photo: Unsplash/Igal Ness

After taxes, Dunn was left with $103,909.73.

While some people have grandiose ideas of what they’d do with a large lottery win, Dunn had simple plans. First, she took her money and went to a grocery store to buy $2,000 worth of gift cards, which she promptly began handing out to strangers in the store.

Photo: flickr/401(K)2012

Some were taken aback by her act of generosity, but Dunn just wanted to pay it forward so she did!

According to the news outlet, Dunn plans to put the rest of her money toward buying a car and paying off bills.

What would you do if you won over $100,000? Let us know!

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