Man Scales Three-Story Building To Rescue Neighbor During Apartment Fire

A man in Colorado Springs, Colorado is being hailed as a hero after risking his own life to save the life of his neighbor.

According to KKTV, Dewey Parker was outside when an apartment fire caused huge billows of smoke that triggered his neighbor to have an asthma attack.

Photo: YouTube/KKTV 11 News | Southern Colorado

While fire crews worked to put out the fire, EMTs ran to the third floor of the apartment complex to get to the man suffering the asthma attack; unfortunately, the door was locked and they were forced to turn around.

According to Local 12 news, Parker explained:

“We saw the fire going on and noticed a guy on the third floor was having a hard time breathing. He had an inhaler in his hand, couldn’t even stand up. Somebody else told the EMTs and they went up — but the door was locked.”

Photo: YouTube/KKTV 11 News | Southern Colorado

Parker said he knew the man “needed a hand” and he decided to take it upon himself to be a hero. He said, “I just decided to scale up to the third floor off the balconies and unlocked the door. I was able to reach. It was scary, though, because I figured, if my hand slipped, then they’re going to have to be helping me.”

Thankfully, the news outlet reported that no one was injured because of the fire and the man who suffered from asthma is expected to make a full recovery and it’s partially thanks to Parker’s quick and heroic actions.

Photo: YouTube/KKTV 11 News | Southern Colorado

“I’m glad I was here and was able to help. I just figured, if that was me, I would hope someone would have done the same thing,” Parker said.

You can check out the news segment below to learn more:

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