Woman Adopts Abused Girls From India And Doctors Donate Them Surgery

44-year-old Kristin Williams is a high school teacher from Cincinnati, Ohio. She’s single and has always wanted kids.

She took a leap of faith by trying to adopt a little girl from Nepal. She even paid $28,000, but then she received devastating news in the form of the U.S. Department of State putting a hold on all adoptions from Nepal due to fraud issues. Because of this, Kristin didn’t just lose her adoptive child, but she also lost all her money.

Photo: YouTube/The Doctors

However, miracles were about to happen for Kristin. In an interview with The Doctors, Kristin shared that shortly after the heartbreaking news, she was introduced to a little girl from India, named Munni.

At the time, Munni was five years old. When Kristin met Munni, she quickly realized Munni was a victim of extreme abuse. It made her heartbreak for the small child to see all the scars.

Kristin said to The Doctors, “I saw her face, and it was like an electric current just shot out and hit me in my heart. She was everything I wasn’t looking for, and she ended up being everything I needed.”

Photo: YouTube/The Doctors

She adopted Munni back in 2013. And less than a year later, Kristin went on to adopt another child from India, 3-year-old Roopa. She had also come from a horrific background, one where she was left on a trash pile to die. As a result, the child’s lips and nose had been bitten away by insects and animals. Because of her appearance, Roopa had been passed over for adoption.

But to Kristin, both her daughters were perfect. Unfortunately, as Kristin has shared, Roopa and Munni’s difficult beginnings are not uncommon. As she stated, “It’s very unfortunate that this is an everyday event in India.”

Photo: YouTube/The Doctors
Photo: YouTube/The Doctors

While they were fortunate to get a loving mother and home, there was some more good news that was on its way to them. Just last year, a group of doctors from The Doctors heard about the two girls’ stories and decided to donate their medical services to them as a gift! Munni was given cosmetic scar removal, while Roopa received reconstructive surgery and a nasal prosthesis.

Check out the incredible transformations in the video below:

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