Girl With Down Syndrome Performs Impromptu Duet With Man Experiencing Homelessness

Eight-year-old Nevaeh has down syndrome, but she doesn’t let that slow her down. In fact, one of her favorite things to do is volunteer with her mom, Kimberly Phillips.

As part of their recent volunteering, the two went to help out with a local church’s program that helps feed those experiencing poverty and homelessness.

Photo: Facebook/CBS News

While volunteering at the church, Nevaeh made a new friend: Teiyon.

According to CBS News, Nevaeh loves making new friends and she’s quite the social butterfly.

Photo: Facebook/CBS News

It wasn’t hard for her to pick up a new friend, but one thing was different about Teiyon compared to most of her friends and that was the fact that he liked to sing – and he invited Nevaeh to join him!

Teiyon was experiencing homelessness and that comes with a lot of stigmas, but all little Nevaeh saw in him was a friend.

Photo: Facebook/CBS News

The two ended up singing a sweet, impromptu duet together.

You can watch their performance in the video below, courtesy of CBS News:

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