New Wireless Localization Technology for Breast Cancer Focuses On Patient Experience And Comfort

A piece of great news for breast cancer patients!

Radiologists specializing in breast cancer spoke about new technologies that can ease the difficulties of the treatment process for patients.

Early detection is key; this is a fact that we’ve heard repeatedly. Mammograms are one of the tests that doctors use to find breast cancer, but it’s uncomfortable for most women and sometimes even painful. However, it’s often only the beginning of the discomfort for cancer patients.

PHOTO: Youtube/WJZ

A pre-surgical procedure called needle localization or wire localization is done to locate the correct position of tumors in the breast. This procedure involves placing a tiny wire, about the same size as a fishing line, in the breast before an operation to guide the surgeon to the correct area in the breast. Most patients also find this procedure uncomfortable.

Thankfully, a new approach to lessen the stress and discomfort of patients is making a breakthrough in the breast cancer community.

“We’re always looking at the patient experience and patient comfort. So newer technologies like wireless localization techniques, such as Molli, have really been transformative for patients in the overall breast cancer care experience,” said Dr. Amy Patel, a breast radiologist at Liberty Hospital.

Molli is said to be a first-of-its-kind removable wire-free soft tissue localization technology that marks the location of a lesion precisely for removal during surgery.

PHOTO: Unsplash/National Cancer Institute

Dr. Patel said that this newer treatment option is less invasive and added, “The surgeons can take the least amount of tissue, but at the same time ensuring negative margins at the time of surgery so that patients have a really fantastic cosmetic outcome, particularly for those who qualify for a lumpectomy.”

Watch Dr. Patel’s news interview in the video below.

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